- Liapis, A.(2023) “Quantum Physics and Nuclear Technology”, Sci Synopsis International Conference, Paris, France.
- Liapis, A. (2022) “COncORDE: an EMS to Supercharge your Disaster Preparedness”, 14th SAFETY GALA virtual workshop of the MANAGEMENT FORCE Group, Athens, Greece.
- Liapis, A. (2022) “COncORDE: A state-of-the-art emergency & crisis management platform”, International Conference on Planning, Challenges of Disaster Management and Resilience, Athens, Greece
- Panagiotidis, P., Angelidis, C., Karalis, I., Spyropoulos, G., Liapis, A. (2021) “Act Proactively: An Intrusion Prediction Approach for Cyber Security”, Published in: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR), Rhodes, Greece
- Sklavidis, I., Angelidis, C., Babagiannou, R., Liapis, A. (2021) “Enhancing SIEM Technology for protecting Electrical Power and Energy Sector,” 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR), 2021, pp. 473-478, doi: 10.1109/CSR51186.2021.9527944.
- Diego, S., Gonçalves, C., Lage, O., Mansell, J., Kontoulis, M., Moustakidis, S., Liapis, A. (2019). Blockchain-Based Threat Registry Platform, 10th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics & Mobile Communications Conference (IEEE IEMCOM 2019), Vancouver, Canada, 17-19 October 2019
- Zampou, E., Milioti, C., Liapis, A., Rodrigalvarez, V., Flocke, F., Dimitrakopoulos, G., Bravos, G. (2018) “Big data analytics in e-commerce logistics: Findings from a systematic review and a case study” in the proceedings of Transport Research Arena 2018, Vienna, Austria
- Maciver, F., Malins, J., Kantorovich, J., Liapis, A. (2016) “United we stand: A critique of the design thinking approach in interdisciplinary Innovation” in the Proceedings of the 50th Design Research Society Conference, 27-30 June 2016, University of Brighton, UK.
- Liapis, A., Didaskalou, A., Thiveos, K. (2016) “The COnCEPT Project: Decoding the IT needs of the professional designer when in remote collaboration during the early stages of the design process” International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering (IJCCE), Volume 5, pages 141 – 150
- Liapis, A., Haesen, M., Kantorovich, J., Alcantara, J.M. (2016) “Decrypting the IT needs of the designer during the creative stages of the design process” in Markopoulos, P., Martens, J.B., Malins, J., Coninx, K., Liapis, A., “Creative Collaboration: Principles, Methods and Tools for Early Design”, Human Computer Interaction Series, London: Springer Verlag.
- Liapis, A., Kopanaki, E. (2015) “Towards Facilitating Innovation Across Creative Industries from Idea Conception to Production”. Paper accepted in Italian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (ITAIS2015).
- Maciver, F., Malins, J., Liapis, A. (2015)“Developing software using a ‘design approach: Using ICT to enhance product design practice’, in the Proceedings of the 11th International European Academy of Design, 22-24 April 2015, Université Paris Descartes.
- Liapis, A., Kostaridis, A., Ramfos, A., Hall, I., Degaetano, A., Koutras, N., Dobrinkova, N., Leventakis, G., Olunczek, A., Seynaeve, G., Boustras, G., Gogosis, K. (2015) ”A Position Paper on Improving Preparedness and Response of Health Services in Major Crises” in the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Mediterranean Countries (ISCRAM-med 2015).
- Maciver, F., Malins, J., Liapis, A. (2015) “New Contexts, Requirements and Tools to Enhance Collaborative Design Practice” in the Proceedings of the European Academy of Design 2015: The Value of Design Research Track 23: Design research for making things differently with more dynamic and inclusive approaches
- Liapis, A., Didaskalou, A., Thiveos, K. (2015) “The COnCEPT Project: Decoding the IT needs of the professional designer when in remote collaboration during the early stages of the design process” in the proceedings of 4th International Conference on Information Computer Application ICICA 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 12-13 February, 2015
- Kantorovitch, J., Niskanen, J., Zafeiropoulos, A., Liapis, A., Garrido, J., Didaskalou, A. and Motta, E. (2015) Knowledge Extraction and Annotation Tools to Support Creativity in the Initial Stage of Product Design: Requirements and Assessment. Extended version of KICSS paper is invited/to appear in Springer book on ”Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing”, ISSN 2194-5357, in 2015.
- Maciver, F., Malins, J., Liapis, A. (2014) “New Contexts, Requirements and Tools to Enhance Collaborative Design Practice” in the proceedings of European Academy of Design 2015 (EAD11: The Value of Design Research Track 23: Design research for making things differently with more dynamic and inclusive approaches.
- Kantorovitch, J., Niskanen, J., Zafeiropoulos, A., Liapis, A., Garrido, J., and Motta, E. Knowledge Extraction and Annotation Tools to Support Creativity in the Initial Stage of Product Design: Requirements and Assessment. Accepted to the 9th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS’2014), Nov. 6-8, Limassol, Cyprus
- Liapis, A., Kantorovitch, J., Malins, J., Zafeiropoulos, A., Haesen, M., Gutierrez, M., Funk, M.,Alcamtara, J., Moore, J.P. and Maciver, F. (2014) “COnCEPT: Developing Intelligent Information Systems To Support Collaborative Working Across Design Teams” 9th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies, ICSOFT 2014, Vienna, Austria, 29-31 August, 2014
- Malins, J., Liapis, A., Markopoulos, P., Laing, R., Coninx, K., Kantorovitch, J., Didaskalou, A. (2014) “Supporting the Early Stages of the Product Design Process: Using an Integrated Collaborative Environment” in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education Conference, EPDE 2014, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.
- Alexopoulos, K., Makris, S., Sipsas, K., Liapis, A., Chryssolouris, G. “Towards a role-centric and context-aware information distribution system for manufacturing”, The 8th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology (DET2014), Stuttgart, Germany 2014
- Malins, J., Gray, C. and Liapis, A. (2014) “Trialogical Learning: a new framework for learning through the creative relationship between emerging technologies and multiple participants” in: Bihanic, D. (ed.) ‘User Empowerment: Interdisciplinary studies & combined approaches for technological products and services’, London: Springer Verlag.
- Liapis, A., Argyzoudis, E. (2012) “Galileo: A Collaborative Design Environment for the European Space Agency’s Concurrent Design Facility) in by Hardeep, S. and Kulwant, K “Designing, Engineering, and Analyzing Reliable and Efficient Software”, IGI Global, Harrisburg, PA.
- Liapis, A., Michas, N., Tsopelas, N. (2011) “Qlack: Towards a New Generation of Semantically Driven Information Systems” in “Collaboration and the Semantic Web” by Brüggemann, S. and D’Amato, C., IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA
- Liapis, A., Michas, N., Tsopelas, N. (2011) “Phoenix: Employing SmartLogic to a New Generation of Semantically Driven Information Systems” in “Grid Computing: Towards a Global Interconnected Infrastructure” by Preve, N.,Computer Communications and Networks Series, Springer-Verlag, London, UK
- Liapis, A. (2010) ” Enterprise Engineering: Design and Applications of Semantically Driven Information Systems’” In Smolnik, S., Teuteberg, F. and Thomas, O. (Eds.), Semantic Technologies for Business and Information Systems Engineering: Concepts and Applications, IGI Global, Harrisburg, PA
- Liapis, A. (2009) “Introducing OMOGENIA: A New Generation of Semantically Driven CSCW Systems”, In Proceedings of 3D Physiological Human, International Workshop, University of Switzerland, MIRALAB, Zermatt, Switzerland, Springer LNCS
- Liapis, A., Christiaens, S., (2009) ” Collaboration Across the Enterprise: An Ontology Based Approach for Enterprise Interoperability” In Gregoris Mentzas, G., Panagiotis Gouvas, P., Thanassis Bouras, T., and Friesen, T. (Eds.), Semantic Enterprise Application Integration for Business Processes: Service-Oriented Frameworks, IGI Global, Harrisburg, PA
- Liapis, A. (2008) “Synergy: A Prototype Collaborative Environment to Support the Conceptual Stages of the Design Process”, International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts, submitted in DIMEA 2008, Athens, Greece, ACM Digital Library
- Liapis, A., Christiaens, S., De Leenheer, P. (2008) ” Collaboration Across the Enterprise: An Approach for Enterprise Interoperability” International Conference on Enterprise Information, ICEIS 2008, Barcelona, Spain
- Malins, J., Liapis, A. (2008) “Tools to Support New Product Design: A Case Study of a Design Consultancy”, The Role of Information Technology in Product Development: An Introduction edited by Nambisan, S., Annals of Information Systems, ISBN: 978-1-4419-1080-6 (Print) 978-1-4419-1081-3 (Online), Springer, , New York
- Liapis, A., Meersman, R. (2008) ” OMOGENIA: A CSCW Flavour to Ontology Design” In Proceedings of e-Portfolio workshop, Interactive Computer Aided Learning International Conference, ICL2008, Vienna, Austria
- Liapis, A. (2008) ” OMOGENIA: Not Another Collaborative Ontology Editor” In Proceedings of the International Conference of Education Research and Innovation, ICERI2008, Madrid, Spain
- Malins, J., Liapis, A. (2007) “The Design Educator’s Toolkit” Interface: Virtual Environments in Art, Design and Education, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland
- Liapis, A. (2007) “The Designer’s Toolkit: A Collaborative Design Environment to Support Virtual Teams” In proceedings of the International Association for the Scientific Knowledge Conference, IASK 2007, Oporto, Portugal
- Liapis, A. (2006) “Virtual Designer: The art of computer mediated collaborative design” In proceedings of Moving Forward: College of Arts and Social Sciences Conference, CASS 2006, Aberdeen, UK
- Malins, J., Watt, S., Liapis, A., McKillop, C. (2006) “Tools and technology to support creativity in virtual teams” In S. MacGregor & T. Torres (Eds.), Virtual teams and creativity: managing virtual teams effectively for higher creativity, IGI Global, Harrisburg, PA
- Liapis, A. (2004) “CSCW and the Design Process”, International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2004, Salford University, Salford, UK
- Liapis, A. (2005) “Design by Design: Developing new applications to support the design process” In proceedings of Moving Forward: College of Arts and Social Sciences Conferences, CASS 2005, Aberdeen, UK
Επεξεργασία Βιβλίων
- Markopoulos, P., Martens, J.B., Malins, J., Coninx, K., Liapis, A., (2016) “Creative Collaboration: Principles, Methods and Tools for Early Design”, Human Computer Interaction Series, London: Springer Verlag.
- Liapis, A., (2011) “Computer Mediated Collaborative Design Environments: Methods and frameworks to integrate creative tools to support the early stages of the design process”, ISBN: 978-3-8465-0699-8, LAMBERT Academic Publishing
- Liapis, A., Malins, J. (Under Development) “Virtual Teams and Collaborative Environments: Knowledge Driven Creativity”, IGI Global, Harrisburg, PA
Προσκεκλημένοι σε Ομιλίες
- Liapis, A. (2023) “Advances in Search and Rescue Operations”, Search and Rescue Project Exploitation Event, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Liapis, A. (2020) “A masterclass on Digital Government to pump-up Card4all community”, Card4all URBACT project, (Online).
- Liapis, A., Babagiannou, R. “Security Information Event Management (SIEM) & Visual Analytics”, European Utility Week & POWERGEN Europe 2019 (EUW19), Paris, France
- Liapis, A. (2019) “Sleep well – Drive Safely: A Tale of Mobility Tracking and Big Data” BDVA-PPP Summit 2019, Riga, Latvia
- Liapis, A. (2018) “Drug Research and Innovation: Hippocrates platform.“, 9th Conference on Pharmacy & Medical Management, 20-21 Jan 2018, Athens Greece
- Liapis, A. (2017) “BigData infrastructures in Healthcare systems”, BYTE Final Conference 2017, London, UK
- Liapis, A. (2016) “The Role of BigData in Healthcare”, BDVA Summit 2016, Valencia, Spain
- Liapis, A. (2015) “ Design Driven Innovation”, Hellenic Forum 2015
- Liapis, A. (2014) “The role of Design in Business Innovation”, Greek Innovation Forum, Athens, Greece
- Liapis, A. (2009) “Towards a Scientific Foundation for Interoperability”, Enterprise Interoperability Science Base (EISB), European Commission Premises, Brussels, Belgium
- Liapis, A. (2008) “Enterprise Interoperability Research Roadmap Grand Challenges”, Enterprise Interoperability Science Base (EISB), European Commission Premises, Brussels, Belgium
- Liapis, A. (2008) “Collaboration Across the Enterprise”, Enterprise Interoperability Cluster Meeting, European Commission Premises, Brussels, Belgium
- Liapis, A. (2008) “Science Base for Enterprise Interoperability: Knowledge Management: Taxonomy / Ontology”, Enterprise Interoperability Cluster Meeting, European Commission Premises, Brussels, Belgium
- Liapis, A. (2008) “Data Elicitation for Ontologies” Invited talk at the First European Summer School of the EU Project Three Dimensional Anatomical Human, Centre for Research, Development and Advance Studies, Sardegna Research Park, Cagliari, Italy
- Liapis, A. (2008) “OMOGENIA: A Semantically Driven Collaborative Environment “, Enterprise Interoperability Cluster Meeting, European Commission Premises, Brussels, Belgium
- Liapis, A. (2007) “Usable Interfaces for Product Designers” Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Exposition, Aberdeen, UK,
- Liapis, A. (2006) “Effective CSCW environments”, The Robert Gordon University & Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, Aberdeen, UK
- Liapis, A., Meersman, R. (2008) “OMOGENIA: A Semantically Driven Collaborative Environment”,Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Debruyne, C., Liapis, A. (2008) “Ontology Gap Matching”, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Liapis, A., Meersman, R. (2008) “OMOGENIA: A CSCW Flavour to Ontology Design”, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Christiaens, S., Liapis, A., Meersman, R. (2008) “Enterprise Interoperability: From Business Process to Ontology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Liapis, A. (2007) “A Review on Web Collaboration Software”, The Robert Gordon University Library, Aberdeen, UK
- Liapis, A. (2007) “A Review on Mind-mapping Software”, The Robert Gordon University Library, Aberdeen, UK
- Liapis, A. (2006) “A Review on UK’s Virtual Learning Environments”, The Robert Gordon University Library, Aberdeen, UK
- Liapis, A. (2006) “A Review on Wiki systems”, The Robert Gordon University Library, Aberdeen, UK
- Liapis, A. (2005) “A Review on Image Search Engines”, The Robert Gordon University Library, Aberdeen, UK